In baseball there is a term called playing “small ball.” A team usually adopts small ball because it lacks power hitters that can hit home runs easily and often. Manufacturing runs is the mantra used by those playing small ball. A single here, a bunt there, a stolen base and smart base running are the methods utilized to manufacture runs.
Small Business B2B Marketing Blog
Small Business Marketing Success - Play "Small Ball"
Posted by Robert Hennessey on Fri, Jul, 15, 2011
Topics: small business marketing, customer-centric marketing, content marketing
Tell us your thoughts on the challenges of small business B2B marketing today. A marketing challenge is a problem your small business is having that you have control over. Take our quick B2B marketing poll below.
Topics: small business marketing, B2B marketing poll, small business b2b marketing poll
9 Questions to Ask for Small Business Sales Lead Prospecting
Posted by Robert Hennessey on Thu, Jul, 07, 2011
- How many B2B sales prospecting methods are there for small business to increase new business sales leads?
- What are the 4 steps every successful marketing plan must achieve?
- What are the 2 biggest differences between big business and small business direct marketing and achieving successful sales lead prospecting?
- What is the single biggest mistake small business makes in marketing its products or services?
- What are the 10 most common small business marketing mistakes to avoid?
- What is essential for achieving the bottom line results in your sales lead generation plan and sales lead prospecting without wasting your money?
- What is a good sales lead and what is not a good sales lead?
- How do I find the perfect customer sales lead prospecting list for lead generation?
- What's my real objective in spending money on a marketing campaign?
If you are a small business selling products or services to other businesses getting answers to these specific sales prospecting questions will prevent you from making some costly mistakes in trying to generate sales leads for your company. Don't just try some marketing because you are in a hurry. Measure twice cut once applies in developing affordable marketing for small business too.
Topics: small business marketing, small business sales lead prospecting, sales lead prospecting
Build Customer Rapport Fast-Small Business Customer-Centric Marketing
Posted by Robert Hennessey on Tue, Jul, 05, 2011
How do you build initial rapport with your customers?
Building initial customer rapport with anyone is important with small business firms that sell consultative products or services to other businesses it is essential. It is the impetus to being able to establish a rapport beachhead and the springboard to your likelihood to build a deeper and closer business relationship.
Okay, so how do you build initial customer rapport?
It is simple how do you answer the question, “what do you do?”
How you answer, the question is the foundation to rapport building. It is the business question you are asked most often at a networking event, by a potential customer, or a casual acquaintance regarding your business.
Are you ready? Do you know how you will answer?
Your answer is decisive to building initial rapport with the person that just asked you that question and maybe in getting a referral from that person from a friend or casual acquaintance of theirs. Your answer is that important.
Why, because your answer has the power to instantly resonate with the person that just asked you that question and if it does you will have an opportunity to build deeper rapport to sell yourself and your business.
The number one thing not to do is to answer the question by telling them what you do. That’s right do not tell them anything about what you do.
Instead, tell them how you can help solve a problem they may have or others they know may be encountering.
When someone asks the question, “what do you do?” They are really asking can you help me.
Some people call this an elevator pitch or speech; I like to call it a 10-second commercial because you need to deliver this message in less than ten seconds. When done properly you should evoke one of two reactions from the person you are talking to. They will react with wow, tell me more or tell me more. In either case, you just built initial rapport.
By using a well-crafted, customer-centric 10-second commercial you are delivering a simple but powerful marketing message about your business that can be repeated by the person that asked you the question and by others, they network with. A good 10-second commercial is worth tens of thousands of dollars in free advertising to a small business.
If you want to be more successful in building initial rapport with your business-to-business customers then develop a customer-centric marketing message that explains how your small business can help solve problems for your sales prospects in less than 10-seconds and use it as the foundation of all your marketing everyday.
Topics: small business marketing, build customer rapport, customer-centric marketing
For small businesses that want to develop b2b sales prospects engaging in mass market email-marketing blasts are a waste of time and money. Do not succumb to the allure of free postage costs and claims of instant sales lead activity. Why?
Topics: small business marketing, b2b sales, business-to-business, B2B vs B2C marketing, b2b sales prospects, b2b marketing message, consultative selling, b2c sales
B2B versus B2C marketing comparisons are important to understanding when choosing the most effective marketing approach for your small business. Many of us really do not think about the differences between B2B Versus B2C Marketing. Not understanding and realizing these differences could cause you to waste a lot of time and money in your small business marketing decisions.
Topics: small business marketing, small business b2b marketing, B2B vs B2C marketing
Take Stock & Set Goals
When thinking about how to go about marketing your small business first set some basic benchmarks on what you have been doing to market your business and the results you have been achieving.
Topics: small business marketing, small business, small business marketing plan, marketing campaign, marketing audit
Myth 1− Big business consumer direct mail marketing and small business B2B direct mail marketing are the same.
Reality − They are not the same. Big business direct marketers have a completely different set of marketplace fundamentals at work on how they approach direct mail marketing that have no relationship to small business marketing at all.
First, big businesses have established brand names. American Express, Capital One etc. No one knows a small businesses name.
Second, big businesses have millions of potential customers. Small businesses may have 5,000 to 10,000 maximum. The size of your potential customer base is a crucial difference because big business counts on the law of averages in making direct marketing successful for them and it works because of their large customer base. Small businesses cannot rely on the law of averages because their customer base is too small.
Third, big businesses have large marketing budgets and small businesses do not. This allows big business to take advantage of the law of averages and stay in the game long enough to achieve a return on its investment. Small businesses will mail 5,000 people and then be unable to repeat the mailing again when they get no response.
Topics: small business marketing, small business five myths, five b2b sales lead generation myths