Marketing Campaign Analysis
Marketing Campaign Analysis with One Click...

Marketing campaign analysis evaluates 14 marketing campaign metrics to increase the quality and effectiveness of your next small business marketing campaign.
We offer a campaign analysis that helps all kinds of small businesses to find out exactly how their marketing campaigns would perform before they spend any money. Our campaign analysis can help you can save you thousands of dollars and a lot of wasted time in planning and executing your small business B2B marketing campaigns.
We have developed a simple to use campaign analysis tool to make it easy for you to evaluate your next marketing campaign. It allows you to run unlimited "what if" scenarios by varying its 8 assumptions about your marketing campaign. You are able to evaluate 14 different key marketing metrics. This allows you to Increase the quality and effectiveness of your B2B marketing campaigns through better decision making.
In 2008, the return-on-investment for all types of direct marketing reached $15.60 in incremental revenue for every dollar spent, according to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA). The DMA also estimates that companies using e-mail marketing in 2008 generated an average $45.06 in revenue for each dollar they spent.
- Do you know if your next marketing program even stands a chance to break even, let alone return you a profit?
- Do you know, which marketing program is the one the gives you the best opportunity to be profitable?
- Do you know how much your next marketing program could generate for your firm in terms of return-on-investment?
- Do you want to know?
SmartMarketingCampaignsm A Professional Marketing Campaign Analysis
It helps you analyze the logic and establish benchmarks to evaluate any B2B marketing campaign. You will need to establish realistic performance criteria and to think through your sales goals and assumptions. With this information, you will be able to establish marketing benchmarks to track the actual results of your new business lead generation program against your benchmarks.
This small business B2B marketing tool and the SmartMarketingCampaign Reportsm can save you thousands of dollars and a lot of wasted time in planning and executing your next small business marketing campaign. You will then be able to evaluate 14 different key marketing metrics to answer questions such as -
- What is a reasonable sales goal for my marketing campaign?
- Will this marketing program generate sufficient profits to be worth of my marketing investment?
- What is the projected Return-on-Investment for this marketing program?
- How many total profit dollars are generated by this marketing campaign?
- What is my new customer acquisition cost in this program?
- What is the new customer acquisition cost as a % of total sales?
- What is my marketing cost per contact?
- How many new clients are necessary to reach my sales goal?
- Have you assumed a reasonable client closing percentage?
- How many sales presentations will you need to make to reach my sales and profit goals?
- How many leads will we need to obtain one sales presentation?
- How many prospects will we need to be converted to sales leads?
- What is the total number of suspects that we need to contact and what is the cost to reach them?
- How many sales suspects need to be contacted each day of the campaign?
Your Bottom Line
To receive a comprehensive campaign analysis of your next B2B marketing campaign click on SmartMarketingCampaignsm and we will send you a customized analysis and report at no charge or obligation.