Small Business Marketing Roller Coaster
The Big Problem
The marketing roller coaster is a symptom of a company without a marketing plan, taking their business and their money for a bad ride.
The most important part of any marketing effort is consistency. Research confirms that 50% of all successful marketing is consistency. The biggest problem for B2B sales lead generation is often the result of an unplanned, unmanaged, and inconsistent approach to marketing for small business. What does inconsistency do to most small business marketing. It usually leads to a shortsighted marketing effort that rarely generates any actionable leads that can produce sales results, always leads to frustration and a waste of money.
We call it the marketing roller coaster because it manifests itself in a marketing effort that resembles the ups and downs of a roller coaster loop. The typical marketing routine is to try a marketing activity that is ineffective followed by sporadic periods of marketing inactivity. Only generating a few, if any new sales and always fewer dollars for the next marketing event. This marketing approach leads again to yet another unsuccessful marketing roller coaster ride down the same road usually repeated until there is no more money, and then all marketing stops.
Unfortunately most small business can't get off the marketing roller coaster that is taking them and their money for a ride. Why, because most small business goes from one can't fail marketing activity to another and don't have a primary B2B marketing plan. Not having a plan guarantees a haphazard approach to their marketing.
Marketing Roller Coaster Symptoms
- It usually begins with unbudgeted, or under budgeted marketing funds.
- Then manifests itself with a marketing cycle resembling a roller coaster. Sporadic periods of marketing activity proceed longer periods of inactivity followed by few if any new sales and always fewer dollars for the next marketing program.
- Marketing without a plan leads to yet another unsuccessful marketing cycle, down the same road usually repeated until there is no more money, and then all marketing stops and so do sales.
Your Bottom Line
Small business lead generation marketing is a process, not a "get rich quick" scheme, as many would like you to believe. The only one getting rich is the person selling you the fantasy that they can generate sales leads fast and cheap.
If this describes your marketing efforts contact MyMarketingDept, we eliminate the marketing roller coaster problem and most importantly, we won't take you for a ride. Call us now at 866-875-2534 or click on small business marketing roller coaster and order one of our services to assist you in generating more sales and profits for your firm!