Small Business Plan

Why You Need a Business Plan?

Small Business Plan

Small business plan basics and benefits to understand in having a useful, well-written business plan. At its core, a business plan articulates three key elements necessary for success.


  1. It helps determine the viability of your vision for your business and gain a practical perspective in considering all options before you invest your money

  2. It documents your vision of the company you are building with a clear and precise written plan

  3. It is the road map of how you will achieve and measure success

Benefits of Having a Business Plan

Beyond these core elements, having a professional business plan will empower your company in several ways in making it easier for you to be successful.

  • It will identify upfront the challenges and strategies you need to address in running your small business every day

  • It is the foundation for making good strategic and tactical business decisions

  • It is essential in obtaining outside financing for your small business

  • It is the benchmark management tool to measure your efforts in striving for success

Business Plan - Types

  • Start-Up small business plans

  • Business Plans for existing small businesses

Business Plan - Basics

  • A familiar, well-organized and logical structure to those that may read your plan like, bankers, investors and suppliers

  • The ability to make your plan believable demonstrated by the logic of your thought process

  • Just the right amount of information in a clear and concise format

  • Enough strategic and tactical specifics to establish your management skills and that your plan can achieve the results you project

  • Revenue and profit projections that show sustainable growth
    • Cash flow projections that are conservative and realistic

MyMarketingDept. Small Business Plan

  • Over twenty years of strategic & practical business experience

  • We prepare custom business plans and marketing plans, “no cookie” cutter approach

  • We offer several ways to help develop a business plan for you

  • We assist you through the business plan process

    1. We help in researching your industry, marketplace, & competition, etc.

    2. We will critique a plan you author and provide feedback

    3. We take on the primary role of writing your plan with your input, guidance, and specific industry, business data and information supplied by you

  • We can also assist you after your business plan is developed to:

    We specialize in working with small business, so our fees are affordable

    1. assist in helping you obtain funding

    2. help you implement your plan with our small business marketing services

    3. consult with you on updating your plan in the future 

Your Bottom Line
We work with you the way that is best suited for you. We can work on a one-time project or as an integral member of your team. We will perform our work based on various options such as a fee basis, retainer, lump sum, equity or combination thereof, depending on your particular situation regarding your business plan needs.

Take the next step contact MyMarketingDept at 866-875-2534 or click small business plan now to get started in generating more sales and profits for your small business!