Small Business Social Media Marketing

small business social media marketingConfounded by how you can use social media in your small business B2B marketing? You may hear other businesses mainly business-to-consumer companies like your local bakery, restaurant or flower shop talk about their recent success using Facebook. So you are thinking could my business benefit from Facebook or perhaps you already set up a Facebook business page but with few results.

  • less than 10 likes

  • no one is commenting on your postings

  • no one calls you from your Facebook page

Perhaps you're surprised but perhaps not. Why has Facebook not delivered for your business as compared to the local bakery, restaurant or flower shop. The reason lies in the differences between B2B and B2C marketing more than social media as a marketing tool.

There are a few points to understand social media as a marketing channel because it is different from traditional channels. Understanding how to use social media in your small business-to-business company is critical to benefit from this new marketing channel.

First social media is not marketing. It is a communication channel just like email, your website, and direct mail among other communications channels available to distribute your marketing messages.

Second, realize utilizing social media in your marketing channel mix is that its primary benefit is brand building, not lead generation. Over time, it ultimately can impact your revenue with lead generation. So, don't look for instant success in generating new business-to-business sales leads with social media this will take an extended period of time.

Third, your marketing message in using social media will likely need adjustment. Social media is not about telling others how wonderful your products or services are and why they might need them Instead social media requires the development of trust based on how helpful you are in providing answers and building leadership based on your comments regarding industry issues. Simply put, forget the sales pitch it will not work in social media.

Fourth don't get overwhelmed. Pick one social media platform to start and master it first before adding others. So how do you pick the social media platform that's best for your business? We recommend you start with your own business blog. Why, because it offers you a more intimate and larger space to grow your circle of interested followers. 

Finally, remember that social media is just one marketing option among many that are necessary to build a successful marketing effort that produces consistent results. Using the same concept of multiple layers in a layer cake to market your small business will produce a similar result as the layer cake you will be able to find more people who like something about your services, products or business.

We can help you apply social media marketing common sense and discover the right combination of marketing options that will help your small business get more B2B sales.