Do you think that there is a reason why your head hurts after reading all the sales pitches about B2B marketing? Do you really need to know let alone understand every new buzzword that litters the B2B marketing ether?
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B2B Marketing - Way Simpler Than They Want You To Know
Posted by Robert Hennessey on Tue, Jan, 26, 2016
Topics: B2B marketing
We know what a B2B sales lead is not. It is not:
Topics: B2B marketing, b2b sales leads, b2b business leads
Business Public Relations, It is Time To Adopt Pay-For-Performance
Posted by Robert Hennessey on Thu, Jun, 04, 2015
Topics: small business marketing, B2B content marketing, B2B marketing
Topics: small business marketing, B2B marketing, b2b sales prospects
Small Business Press Release Marketing - What You Should Know Now
Posted by Robert Hennessey on Tue, Oct, 28, 2014
You may have heard that Press Releases are dead as an effective marketing tool to create traffic to your website. Moreover, you may also still be getting emails from on-line press release companies still touting the traffic building and SEO benefits of press releases. So who’s right? Neither.
Read MoreTopics: small business b2b marketing, B2B marketing, small business press release, b2b press release marketing
One of the biggest problems small business B2B firms have when it comes to marketing their business is not identifying their target audience. But, how to create the marketing audience they need to reach. There has been a lot written about marketing personas, and these can be helpful, but most B2B companies know the make-up of their target market from a demographic and psychographic standpoint.
Should You Use Marketing Personas
Topics: small business marketing, sales prospecting, B2B marketing
In the age of social media, I can tell you what Social Media Marketing doesn’t mean to me as a B2B marketer.
Topics: B2B marketing, B2B social media marketing, social media marketing
How do you as a small business deal with the new marketing dilemmas? That’s right, dilemmas plural. So what are the new marketing dilemmas?
Topics: small business b2b marketing, B2B marketing, B2B marketing dilemmas
How important is the length of your B2B marketing website content on your small business B2B web pages? This is a question that doesn’t get asked enough by small businesses. Why?
Topics: small business b2b marketing, B2B marketing, website sales lead generation
LinkedIn enables you to find and connect with 25 or more qualified leads in one hour while sitting at your desk. This makes it one of the best social media marketing platforms for B2B small business.
Topics: B2B marketing, small business social media b2b marketing, social media small business b2b marketing